East Union Post Office Mural
Seattle, Washington
1995, soft pastel over watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold press paper. Entire mural: 36" x 180". Each 3-panel grouping is 36" x 90".
This 6-panel wall mural was designed to be viewed from in front of the main counter by USPO customers waiting in line in this busy, Central Area post office. It celebrates the ethnic and cultural diversity of the neighborhood, and the dedication of the postal workers. Panels 1 – 3 depict people preparing and sending out the mail, while panels 4 – 6 depict people receiving the mail both here and abroad.
Commissioning agency: United States Postal Service
Panel 1
Detail, Panel 1
Panel 2
Detail, Panel 2
Panel 3
Panel 4
Panel 5
Panel 6